Sincere devotion
There's something about sincerity that's floating nearby for me - connected to declaring intentions, which is then connected to invitations and leadership.
Or maybe it's better phrased as faith? Except not faith in outcomes. In the face of the "maybe everything will fall apart" it's the "I don't care" of choosing to work toward the good regardless. Faith in the value of the good.
But it's not just that. It's really not "faith means a higher power will do it for us" and it's not just a state of mind either. It's not "consciousness raising" or feeling the love or "love is god". Something like devotion or commitment actually fits better than faith.
I have that devotion: post-tragic, post-ironic, sincere. I want to own that and honor that and even advertise that. It resonates with the people that I want to be and work with.
Being with it all, welcoming all the falling-aparts along the way, loving the infinite game of (cosmic, beyond personal) life. Not holding back. Not holding back the care, the love, the dedication. Using my gifts of awareness and intelligence in integrity/harmony with my system and other allies to be ever-bringing-about the goodness available in my choices, as our waveforms all continue rippling into the future.
There's the way, the way of being, and there's also the how-to-get-there - except "there" isn't a state and it's the going/getting that is the thing and it's an evolving and emergent thing AND YET there are better or worse, more or less effective, ways to make progress. I think I know some stuff about how, and it even feels right to me, as if its connected in to the way itself - that embodying the way rolls one down the incentive landscape toward a universal attractor that many people are sensing similarly. We can differ a fair amount in our perception and theories-of-change and derived strategies, as long as the vision (of the way-of-being spreading-of-thriving) is aligned.
But IS does represent a certain stack of spaces and strategies that make up a coherent piece of the mesh, such that it's like a bounded convex shape that can work like an organism/amoeba when called to (including with neighbors in the neighborhood). Yeah, there's a set of beliefs (values plus strategies) that produce the locality within the mesh. I wonder how simply I could express those as we enter 2025.