journal intentional personal organizing I feel a bit of an impulse to polish my writing now that more people are following along. So, I'ma tell myself, "Nope!" and keep freewheeling it stream-of-consciousness style - at least for stuff tagged "journal". Not much has changed for me structurally in
journal feeling appreciated It's been about 5 days now of publicizing my departure [], first internally and then externally. I've gotten the "so how does it feel?" question a few times, and interestingly since I did a lot of processing over the last
reference letter of resignation I published the following letter internally on Wednesday, 2020-06-24. > Dear friends and colleagues, I am leaving Tableau. My last day is Friday. I am resigning, retiring, and graduating after 13 astonishing years of growing personally alongside this company. I’ve done some reminiscing here, and if you’d like
journal feeling peaceful Vaguebooking for a few days, but just here to note: I'm feeling such a profound peace and lightness. Free of obligation, of old identities, of socialized constraints. Full of space, of joy, of playful excitement, of anticipation.
essay Featured transfiguring stone Photo by binh dang nam [] / Unsplash [] I want to tell you about a fear, and also a delight. A reversal so
journal some days Some days you check every task off your list. Some days nothing is on the list. Every day, something is experienced. Some days you feel inspired and write of saving the future. Some days you just ramble to hear your own voice a bit. Every day, you think and communicate.
essay fighting moloch with slack This is spurred by Scott Alexander's recent essay Studies on Slack []. Scott is the author of the famous (to me) Meditations on Moloch [], and if you haven't yet discovered the benefit of
reference consulting for employee activism I've been reminded that I have a very [], very [] specific experiential skill set. Also, that I really enjoy helping people be effective in reaching their goals and in improving the world. Effective immediately, I'm hanging out my
essay modernist corporate power preservation First, they embrace you. Then, they move to co-opt you. Then, they try to silence you. Then, they fight you. Then, they lose. That doesn't mean you win. But the systems will shift over time. The next generation will find a better path.
journal riffing on deep motivations Today's version of my continuing refinements of a motivating vision. Desires/goals for an intentional social group: * being who we want to be (I) * relating and belonging more fully (we) * doing valuable work (it) * creating better systems/society for our descendants (its) States corresponding to achieving those: * growing
journal listening to a trigger Status: self-psychologizing, interesting mostly for the process Yesterday I was doing some Circling [], which is like a blend of discussion and meditation, with random trained folks online. I was attuned to being present, and watching out for the filtering-emotional-expression-through-conscious-choice [] that I
journal of-me-perception reflections I don't know of a word that's the simple mirror of "self-reflection", but I mean perceptions of me by others, as shared by them - which I was privileged to hear today, as well as last month, both in an Authentic Relating context. To
essay imagine taking responsibility This one is for the Christians (and possibly other theists, but I'm using the Christian framing) out there. I have a thought experiment for you: > How would you behave if there were no God forgiving you of your sins? Now easy there, if you feel any defensiveness
essay identity is our cage I'm mulling this word-for-word quote from Doug Tataryn today at the Stoa [] session on Bio-Emotive Framework []: > Any intense interpersonal encounter that isn't fully experienced and expressed will become part of your sense of self or worldview instead of
journal one sense of wrongness How big would these protests be, without the Covid-19 threat? Would they be 2x, 5x larger without epidemiological caution holding folks back? Or maybe this wouldn't have exploded in the same way, without the widespread disruption from the virus multiplying the sense of fundamental wrongness across the nation?
meta newsletter support is a go I talked about adding an email newsletter [] a few days ago, and today I upgraded the site's theme which now more-properly supports the "subscribe" and "sign in" flows. Neither requires a password - you just verify your email address
essay authority and dominance Today is the 99th anniversary of the Tulsa Black Wall Street massacre, and the first anniversary that I've been aware of it. Read through this, and/or watch the short video: Jun. 1, 1921 | White Rioters in Tulsa Destroy Black Community, Kill Hundreds Learn more about our history
journal mourning in America Feeling sad, frustrated, conflicted. Along with the rest of Twitter: > Yesterday was the saddest day in the history of @Twitter [] [] — hedonometer (@hedonometer) May 30, 2020 [
journal waking up and growing up Spiritual development and psychological development: engaging with the dimensional contrast of the terms waking up and growing up [] as used by Ken Wilbur there. Trying to record as I just heard them defined: * waking up as the spiritual enlightenment of mystics and gurus,
meta adding email/newsletter A friend did reach out, after my last meta post, to say "Hey I'm following along" which I appreciated. But it's probably time to upgrade the infrastructure here and add an email/newsletter option. There's an RSS feed [
journal power and competition between metagames Today I attended "Converting Moloch from Sith to Jedi w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger" (who doesn't appear to be on Twitter but blogs at via The Stoa [], which should show up as a video here []
journal the first motivations The first group of participants will also be builders, passionate people with similar visions, eager to craft a better way. The experience needs to be rewarding, but doesn't need to be pre-crafted or conventional. What are the serious contenders for driving purpose(s)? * Being a group of friends
journal meta-blog week 7 It has been seven weeks now since I began this practice on April 1. This will be my 42nd post in 54 days. Checking in on my hypotheses from my first post []: > I will benefit from the ritual awareness, measured by feeling glad that
journal dissonance as a practice for growth I've been seeing more into the general pattern of [expanding awareness, spaciousness, complexity, development] (are we missing a word for this?) lately. * The challenge comes from a (identity/need-oriented?) dissonance arising * Two truths are in conflict with each other, they can't both be true * There must
journal intentionality means Intentionality implies consciousness. (of the possibility of purpose) Intentionality implies self-awareness. (of having a purpose or goal) Being intentional means doing. (pursuing that goal) Intentional purpose flows from values. Purposeful doing means integrity of values and means. Intentional self-awareness means learning. Doing is doing, not-doing is doing, being is non-doing.